Unsurprisingly, Haakaa is a staunch supporter of enabling mums to breastfeed. Breastmilk has a wide range of benefits, so for those who can breastfeed, it is a fantastic food to give to babies. But what exactly are those benefits? Today, we’re going to look at some of the great things breastfeeding can provide not only for our little ones but also for mothers, families, and the wider environment.



 Breastmilk is, unsurprisingly, generally balanced to be exactly what human babies need. Containing high quantities of protein, fat, and lactose1,2, breastmilk is easy for babies to digest. It also includes a range of micronutrients essential for newborns, including vitamins and minerals – this is why your lead maternity carer (LMC) may recommend that you take a pregnancy multi-vitamin during your pregnancy. Interestingly, the composition of breastmilk will also change as time goes on. Colostrum, the very first milk, is visibly different from the mature milk produced further down the line. Colostrum is much thicker and more yellow, hence its common nickname of ‘liquid gold’. This milk is exceptionally high in nutrients and antibodies (which we’ll discuss a bit more below) and kickstarts your baby’s digestive system3. It then changes to transitional milk before settling into what is called mature milk – though the nutritional make-up of mature milk will also change over time.


Immune System Boost

 As alluded to above, breastmilk can also provide a head start on your little one’s developing immune system. Breastmilk has been shown to contain not only antibodies but a variety of different types of immune cells4. And that’s on top of the immunity your baby carries from you in those first weeks after birth—so they’re getting a good boost!


Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases

 Research has shown that breastfeeding can often protect babies from some chronic illnesses, including asthma and type 1 diabetes5. But the benefits of breastfeeding in this category aren’t just restricted to bubs: it has also been found that breastfeeding may help mums, too! The risk of breast and ovarian cancer, as well as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular issues, may be reduced in mothers who have breastfed their babies6.


Photo of baby looking up while breastfeeding

Bonding and Emotional Connection

 Breastfeeding is more than just physical benefits, however. It provides an excellent opportunity to promote bonding between mother and child. We’re often led to believe that bonding is something that happens instantly, as soon as the baby is born, but for a lot of parents, this isn’t actually the case. Breastfeeding, through physical closeness (including skin-to-skin in those early days and weeks) and eye contact, is a fantastic way to create and strengthen that bond. This benefits both mother and baby, fostering a strong emotional connection that can leave both feeling more secure.


Cost-Effective, Convenient & Environmentally Friendly

 The final point we’ll look at today—though by no means is this an exhaustive list—is that breastfeeding is not just convenient; it’s cost-effective as well. When baby needs a feed, all that is required is to find a quiet corner, undo your bra, and get started. The milk your body produces is always ready to go, with the right blend of nutrients, at the right temperature. There’s no need to prepare and sterilise equipment and food before you start – you are all that is needed. For most mothers, feeding yourself properly is all that is needed to keep that milk flowing.


On top of that, breastfeeding means no rubbish to throw out - if you’re looking for ways to cut down on waste, breastfeeding involves no packaging to dispose of. And even when you’re expressing milk, Haakaa also keeps this in mind. Our packaging is cardboard, and the products themselves are designed to be used over and over again! Whether you choose our OG Pump, the Gen. 2, or the multipurpose Gen. 3, each of these needs will be covered!



Fed is Best

 Of course, even with all these benefits, some parents can’t, for any of a wide range of reasons, exclusively breastfeed. And that is perfectly ok – as long as your baby is being fed, that is best. But for those who are unsure—or, perhaps, don’t know what they want to do once baby has arrived—there are definite reasons why breastfeeding may be the choice you go with. And if you are trying but find that you’re struggling, there is help out there. Your LMC, lactation consultants, your family doctor, or places like Plunket – they all have access to resources that can help you get through any bumps in the road you may encounter.





1 Breastmilk composition – the research | Australian Breastfeeding Association. (n.d.). https://www.breastfeeding.asn.au/resources/breastmilk-composition-research

2 Mitson, L. (2021, December 9). What’s In Breast Milk? American Pregnancy Association. https://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/first-year-of-life/whats-in-breastmilk/

3 The Phases of Breast Milk | WIC Breastfeeding Support. (n.d.). https://wicbreastfeeding.fns.usda.gov/phases-breast-milk

4 Research shows how breastfeeding offers immune benefits - Binghamton News. (n.d.). News - Binghamton University. https://www.binghamton.edu/news/story/3744/milk-boost-research-shows-how-breastfeeding-offers-immune-benefits

5 Five great benefits of breastfeeding. (2023, September 7). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpao/features/breastfeeding-benefits/index.html

6 Dieterich, C. M., Felice, J. P., O’Sullivan, E., & Rasmussen, K. M. (2013). Breastfeeding and health outcomes for the mother-infant dyad. Pediatric clinics of North America60(1), 31–48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pcl.2012.09.010

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